Saturday, July 30, 2011

Fun Time with Friends

Yesterday, my son and I went to see our friends that lives in our neighborhood. Their house is not really far; I can even walk there if I want to, but it was too hot outside! So, we drove down there to do some fun things like card games, while the kids are playing wii and some toys. I tell you, we had a blast! There were plenty of foods like pizza, rotisserie chickens, my favorite Filipino dish and the dish I made that every Filipino loves which was Pancit (sauteed' noodles). My friend's husband was very supportive the whole time were there. I wished we could do it more often.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Back to Blogging

I know it's been awhile since I posted my last personal entry here and I apologize to all my readers for that. Between my health issues, family life and our recent visit to my native land (Philippines)...blogging has been put aside, thus making the rank of my page down from PR2 to PR1. It is sad, but that is one thing I need to accept and work on to get it back. If I will not do anything about it, I would eventually lose those loyal advertisers such as the 3P's and SS. I need to write more and get my blog readers back. This blog needs traffic and visitors who will be interested on reading and leaving comments that are very helpful in the success of my blogging career :-)!


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